Sponsor Card Backs

Card Backs fill the screen at the start of every Picture This Game, offering a unique opportunity for advertising and promotion as a part of a mobile game. A key component of advertising is repetition.

With Picture This Game, the back of the cards expands as they are selected by a player and displays the sponsor card back from six (6) to fifty-six (56) times to each player during a single game. TALK ABOUT REPETITION!! With the added benefit of projecting the game onto large screens, these Card Backs have the ability to increase brand awareness beyond online searches or ad placements.

Sponsor Card Backs that are created or changed must be approved by Picture This Game prior to use. The approval takes into account that this game is designed to be family-friendly for people of all ages, from young children to the elderly and everyone in between.

Logos or other images on the card backs must be professional and respectful to all genders, races, religions, ethnicities, and sexual orientations. The approval process takes approximately 48 hours.

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